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Laser Shows
Fireworks Shows
Indoor Pyrotechnics
Special Effects
Fog Generators

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Fireworks Shows

We approach fireworks show as a multi-aspect work in which design based sky pictures are produced.




For us the real meaning of  a show is to produce multimedias by the use of fireworks in synchronization of other show medias on the basis of music.
Creating shows with the highest quality materials, experienced technicians and safest firing systems is our production manner.

Pictures that integrate with the customer, the event and the show place...

Sky pictures produced by the use of hundreds of effects in harmony distinguish us...

Unforgettable shows that take place on press and TV, that become a tradition,...


Anadolu Bulvari, ATB Is Merkezi, C Blok No:82, Macunkoy 06370 Ankara - TURKEY
Phone : +90-312-397 4699; Fax : +90-312-397 3646

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